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Effective Executive Magazine:
The East India Company. The Rise of the Honorable Company

The success and power enjoyed by The East India Company during its time is remarkable. The company's spectacular rise to fame from a humble spice dealer to a business leader is an unmatched feat.

In form, like a modern multinational, in action, like an expansionist nation state—the East India Company was a uniquely British creation which took on the world.1

True, no company in the history of business could match the success and power enjoyed by the English East India Company (EIC). The company's spectacular rise to fame and glory is unmatched. From a humble beginning it acquired the status of a business icon, and then, a military power, which ruled nations!


East India Company,Rise of the Honorable Company,dealer,business leader,strategic management, success, power, company's spectacular, rise, spice dealer,English East India Company,military power, unmatched feat.