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The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management :
Effective Factors in Technology Transfer in the Pharmaceutical Industries of Iran: A Case Study

The purpose of this research is to recognize and grade the effective factors on technology transfer in Iran's pharmaceutical industries. The study endeavors to present an appropriate model of technology transfer for the industries. The paper has identified and classified effective factors on technology transfer in seven of the major criteria and each of the main criteria covers different sub-criteria where their weight (the main criteria) are determined by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. The study has utilized the experience of other companies in developed and newly industrial countries in the field of technology transfer, for enriching the result of the research.


The angles are related to each other and are reciprocal. Effective application of technology depends firmly on the interactions between the three components, and it is a unique process for every company or country. Technology transfer among different countries and organizations with various levels of the technical knowledge covers limitations and problems for the less developed recipient. Technology transfer is a complex and challenging process which needs a deep and all-out study. In the case of overlooking different aspects of technology transfer; it may lead to weakness of the national technology. Technology transfer process includes some preventive scales, which should be addressed, before selecting technology transfer methods.

Accordingly, it is stressed that the technology transfers process should import the entire components of the technology triangle. But further technology recipients should consider technology's hardware components. This issue has been one of the main reasons for the failure of technology transfer projects for the majority of technology recipients (Paul, 1995).

Technology is defined differently. Sociologists, Economists, Management Scientists, and other faculties, have their own definitions of technology. Apparently there are professional definitions for this word, but all have common aspects.

Technology transfer in different countries and organizations with various' levels of technical knowledge covers limitations and problems for the less developed recipient. Technology transfer is a complex and challenging process which needs deep and all out study. In case of overlooking of different aspects of the technology transfer; it may lead to weaknesses of the national technology. Technology transfer process includes some preventive scales, which should be addressed, before selecting the technology transfer method.


Knowledge Management Journal, Iran Pharmaceutical Industries, Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP, National Technology, Management Scientists, Technical Knowledge, Human-driven Decisions, Pharmaceutical Industries, Research Methodology, Pharmaceutical Companies.