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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Customer Profiling: A Better Way to Understand Customers

Customer profiling is a method by which organizations can understand their customers better. It helps in segmenting, targeting and positioning, focusing on specific customers, so as to earn better returns on investment. It is a customer-centric approach where the customer is the cornerstone of business success. Information technology helps to leverage the process of customer identification and profiling. Customer profiling also enables firms to analyze and understand customers' changing profiles continuously and to adopt alternative marketing strategies when needed.


Customers are normally pro- filed based on certain param- eters, such as age, sex, occupation, marital status, income, purchasing power, values, attitudes, beliefs, life style, buying patterns, etc. Customer profiling provides an overview of one's customers, or at least one's best customers. It helps to build "customer preference profile" and "share of customers." Further, "customer activity report" provides an overall view of the specifics of relationship history with each customer, the number of transactions, average transaction value, last purchase date and the active status of the customers. In short, a lot of factors go into the making of an in-depth customer profile.

In general, "customer profiling is the process of using relevant and available information to describe the characteristics of a group of customers and to identify their discriminators from those of other customers or ordinary customers and drivers for their purchasing decisions". In ordinary parlance, it means "segmenting and defining customers into groups, to better understand them."

A marketer can respond to almost all his marketing challenges when he knows who his customers are. An accurate profile of his customers allows him to analyze the market, the penetration rate and the market potential for his goods and services. It also helps him to focus on a target market where one can sell and earn a higher return on investment.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Customer Profiling, Marketing Strategies, Customer Profiling, Geographic Classifications, Decision Making Units, Marketing Campaigns, Customer Loyalty, Customer Acquisitions, Business Strategy, Customer Retention.