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Effective Executive Magazine:
Knowledge Makes You Great

I would suggest you that all of you decide on "what you will be remembered for" as quickly as possible, since that statement will act as a goal post for you and facilitate your systematic work for the realization of the goal.


I am delighted to address the `Annual National Management Symposium INSIGHT 10' organized by the Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai. My greetings to all of you. Dear friends, when I am in the midst of future leaders of management, I fondly remember my interactions with the management students of IIM, Ahmedabad, IIM Indore and also at Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky, USA. Today, I will be discussing with you on the topic "What I would like to be remembered for?" I would illustrate the theme through certain experiences which inspired me during six decades of professional career.

The world in the 21st century will be a knowledge-based society with multiple opportunities. When I was studying a book, Empires of the Mind by Denis Waitley, the book gives, what type of the new world that we are facing now? What was yesterday and what is today. I have modified certain points of the author to suit our conditions. I have also added a third line which relates to actions of an educational institute.


Effective Executive Magazine, Management Students, Professional Career, Science Leadership, Mission Goals, Knowledge Economy, Education System, Industrial Economy, Business Model, Satellite Communication, Remote Sensing, Delhi Metro Rail Project, Public Sector Organization, Telecommunication System, Automatic Train Protection, Wireless Communications.