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Effective Executive Magazine:
Organizational Trust Amid Crisis : What Does it Constitute

Whether a business crisis leads to positive or a negative, organizational outcome is a function of the actions of the leader as well as an important organizational capability that allows leaders to flourish during times of crisis; that capability is trust. Trust is an organization's capability to create and sustain mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders. We maintain that the firms that do this well are better able to address crises when they occur than firms that are not able to establish trust across stakeholders.

On the surface, the notion of trust seems a simple construct. It is one of the first lessons in childhood and it factors into every stage and phase of life. We either trust a person, or we do not. We are either trustworthy or we are not. Simple! At its most basic level, trust represents our ability or willingness to depend on someone else. When we trust others, we feel confident and secure in another's actions to the extent that those actions relate to or affect us. People talk casually but confidently about trust being the foundation of any meaningful relationship - personal or professional. They judge people and their effectiveness in work and in life on how trustworthy they are. And the assumptions they hold about trust are relatively universal. For example, it is not uncommon to hear people say the following: "trust takes a long time to develop, but can be broken in an instant" or "trust has to be earned". In reality, the feelings, emotions, and experiences of trust suggest that it is a complex phenomenon as anyone who has experienced a betrayal can probably attest.


Effective Executive Magazine, Organizational Trust Amid Crisis, Business Crisis, Organizational Life, Organizational Environment, Crisis Resolution, Organizational Culture, Strategic Plans, Traumatic Events, Negative Conclusions, Communication Strategy, Centralized Decision Making.