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Effective Executive Magazine:
Singapore's Malls Go Green : A billion dollar opportunity

The shopping experience has evolved through the years in Singapore since the inception of the first retail mall in the early 1970's to one of the swankiest retail malls - ION Orchard, opened in July 2009 on Orchard Road. So an announcement on green malls means serious business.


hese are exciting times in Singapore. The Singapore government has signaled a big push into green initiatives, and announced a focus on building green malls. Singapore is Asia's retail Mecca. The shopping experience has evolved through the years, since the inception of the first retail mall in the early 1970's to one of the swankiest retail malls - ION Orchard, opened in July 2009 on Orchard Road. So an announcement on green malls means serious business.

Wikipedia defines a `Green Building' as green construction or sustainable buildings. The art of building structures, using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's lifecycle: i.e., from concept, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, retrofitting and deconstruction. Green buildings are designed to reduce overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment and are evolved around new technologies to complement current practices in creating greener structures. In essence green buildings achieve this by efficiently using energy, water, and other resources, protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity and reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation.

City Developments Limited (CDL) invests between 2% and 5% of the construction cost of a development on green design and features. The returns of this investment is reflected in the reduced use of natural resources, financial savings and even the possible increased capital value of the development. Moreover, through the implementation of green innovations, CDL is helping to develop the industry's expertise and capabilities in adopting sustainable solutions for the built environment.


Effective Executive Magazine, Singapore Malls, Swankiest Retail Malls, Singapore Government, Green Malls, Green Buildings, Environmental Ddegradation, City Developments Limited, Natural Resources, Financial Savings, Real Estate Market.