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Effective Executive Magazine:
Being a Part of `The Big Adventure' : The Privileges and Responsibilities of a Business Career

The biggest responsibility of being in business is to produce positive results no matter the conditions of the moment. Of course, that might mean changing the way a company has always done things in the past, but that's okay. The job of a business is not to stay with one approach forever. Its job is to create relevant value for desired customers, let those people know that it can deliver that value, and then deliver that value as well as it possibly can.


As you pursue your next job in the business world, keep in mind the primary privilege and responsibilities that go along with a career in business. Whether you are a business owner, CEO, manager, or front-line employee, a career in business consists of certain fundamentals.

The greatest privilege of a career in business is not making guaranteed money. A person has roughly the same odds of creating a personal net worth of $5 mn in a business career as he or she would have playing the lottery. If a person took the $200,000 (at least) that was invested in college and graduate school and instead bought lottery tickets, he or she would have roughly the same chance of amassing $5 mn in personal net worth.

The road to financial riches has become exceptionally rockier over the past decade. Some have made it big and some have lost it all. So gaining guaranteed wealth and a financially worry-free retirement is most definitely not a part of every business career.

However, every person in business does share one privilege.

Every employee from the top to the bottom of a corporation's orgaizational chart gets to be a part of what I call `the big adventure of business', which is the daily challenge to create value, let people know of the value that has been created, and attempt to sell that value for a fair reimbursement.


Effective Executive Magazine, The Big Adventure, Business Career, Financial Riches, Orgaizational Chart, Cell Phone Technology, Horrible Diseases, Dotcom Explosion, Worlds Economy, Business World.