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Effective Executive Magazine:
The Moral of the Moment : Building Trust: It's So Obvious You Can Miss It

It seems like yesterday when I sat in a room with a handful of developers at Xerox and together we created a sales model that would be a key component for not only the sales force at Xerox, but their clients as well. It was a model that would be used for decades and considered a cornerstone of the sales training world of Xerox. Although we had a healthy mix of people on this team and spent a great deal of time together, the model was not perfect as it still missed a little something called, `trust'.

I know, you are asking yourself, "You call yourself some kind of sales guy, how could you miss something as basic as trust?" Oh yee of little faith, it's easier than you may think. You see the real mistake we made was thinking that if we methodically built a consultative model, the model itself would build trust. We thought if we built a model that taught in a repeatable, predictable fashion…

… we would build trust with our clients. We were close, but where is the trust in that list of criteria? I'll tell you where it is - it's subtly contained within all the pieces above - and that's not good enough. The fact is, you can build any consultative model you'd like, but without specific steps that address trust, the process becomes anemic. So let's fix it now. If you want to build trust with your clients or your friends, there are three things that you can do.


Effective Executive Magazine, Moral of the Moment, Trust Building, Consultative Model, Open Questions, Predictable Process, Repeatable Process, Development Room, Conversation Building.