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Professional Banker Magazine:
Global Crisis and the Role of G 20 Nations

The global financial crisis has overwhelmed many economies, causing slowdown and recession. While the subprime mess is the chief contributor for the crisis, global imbalances have also played their role in causing distortions. Counter cyclical polices on the part of banks, financial institutions and the economic policy makers could apply the needed correctives. The G 20 nations have initiated action to tackle the crisis.



Many economies have been affected by the global fi- nancial crisis following the subprime mess. Many investment bankers have collapsed and some insurance majors have even downed their shutters. The originate and distribute model in the home mortgage market of the US has proved to be a disaster as the securitization process is faulty. In an environment of low interest rates and high liquidity, financial intermediaries have generally embraced disproportionate risks, causing booms in the asset market which have busted subsequently.

There were severe credit and liquidity crunches resulting in global recession/slowdown. Many economies have generated economic stimulus packages and widened fiscal deficits considerably. There have also been initiatives by G 20 nations and later by the newly created Financial Stability Board (FSB) to tackle the crisis.


Professional Banker Magazine, Financial Stability Board, FSB, Economic Policy Makers, Global Fi-nancial Crisis, Global Imbalances, Financial Institutions, FIs, International Monetary Fund, IMF, Global Economy, GDP Growth Rate, Macroeconomic Polices, Risk Management, Financial Stability Forum, Monetary Policies.