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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour :
Role of Age and Work Experience in Ethical Behavior

The study examines the role of age and work experience in the ethical behavior of middle level managerial personnel. The sample consists of 204 middle level managers working in different public and private sector organizations in India. Ethical behavior of managers is assessed with the help of work behavior questionnaire developed for the purpose. The Cronbach alpha of work behavior questionnaire is reported to be 0.86. It is revealed that there is a significant difference in ethical behavior between high and low age groups and between high and low work experience groups.


Currently, the topic of ethical behavior in organizations is enjoying a surge in popularity among organizational researchers and the corporate world. The reason for the attention is that companies now truly believe in substantive benefits, which can be gained by facilitating an ethical culture in the organization. However, by examining the negative consequences of unethical behavior as well as the benefits of the ethical ones, a layman can also determine what is important. Despite the interest, concern and number of published prescriptions to deal with unethical behavior, there are only few empirical investigations conducted in this area. The paucity of research in this field is not surprising, because the area of ethical behavior is delicate and complex in nature. Managers are not likely to allow their ethical behavior to be directly observed or assessed.

The interest and focus in ethical behavior suggest a number of questions that range from the meaning, antecedents to the resulting impairment in the performance of organizations due to ethical or unethical behavior. Formally defined, ethical behavior is behavior which is morally accepted as good and right as opposed to bad and wrong in a particular setting. It is difficult to define ethical behavior because standards that constitute ethical behavior lie in a gray zone, where clear-cut, right-wrong answers may not always exist. Additionally, another individual or group may view differently what one person or group may find unethical.


Organizational Behaviour Journal, Ethical Behavior, Organizational Researchers, Corporate World, Empirical Investigations, Commercial Work Organizations, Decision-Making Process, Socialization Process, Empirical Literature, Managerial Ethics, Business Horizons, Unethical Decision Behavior, Business Ethics.