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The IUP Journal of Management Research :
College Management: Views of Students

The present study seeks to identify the factors influencing students' perceptions of college management, and the relationship of perceptions scores with the personal characteristics of the students. The results of factor analysis technique showed that `placement' is the most important factor followed by `infrastructure', `extracurricular activities', `education', `student development', `educational material' and `college environment'. The findings of chi-square test indicated that `gender' and `educational level' have shown significant association with perceptions scores, whereas `age' and `course stream' have not shown significant association with the perceptions scores of students.


A higher educational institution must design its basic goals and objectives to satisfy customers (students) by offering market-driven academic and career programs; by providing quality teaching and learning environment; and by providing adequate student support services (Ibekwe, 2006). However, the resources allocated to educational sector in India is inadequate to fulfill these (Tilak, 1996; Shariff and Ghosh, 2000; Choudhury and Mahajan, 2004; Patel, 2004; and Yadav, 2004). In such a scenario, goal attainment becomes tough. At that time, the role of efficient management becomes vital to attain the objectives.

Management is also important in achieving the primary aim of any educational institution, i.e., customer (student) satisfaction, which includes the fulfillment of needs of students. Management improves the effectiveness of delivering the needs, wants and expectations of students which helps in achieving the student satisfaction. Therefore, the role of management is very crucial. But, many people playing important roles in the management of educational institutions, lack the knowledge of basic management skills required for effective management. According to Magoha (2004), the poor management of higher educational institutions in developing countries is manifested in several forms, namely;


Management Research Journal, College Management, Student Development, Educational Sectors, Management Skills, Moral Development, Library Collection, Chi-square Analysis, Campus Placements, Personality Development, Quality Management.