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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior :
Training Programs: Evaluation of Trainees' Expectations and Experience

The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of a training program from the perspective of the trainees. The literature suggests that the pre-training expectations of trainees can be compared with their post-training experience. The training program considered here in this paper was offered to 108 trainees of a leading private sector bank and was evaluated using Kirkpatrick's model. Chi-square test revealed that the demographic variables are independent of the efficacy gap. A paired sample t-test concluded that the trainees' experience does not exceed their expectations. The factor analysis indicated that the grouping of the variables into factors, fairly matches with the four levels of Kirkpatrick's model with certain exceptions. Finally, a multiple regression analysis revealed that the factors extracted in factor analysis are significant in explaining training effectiveness.


Employment training is defined as the systematic development of knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual employee to perform adequately at the given task or job successfully. If employees are not trained effectively, then the investment made by the organization in designing and implementing these programs, may not give the desired results. The training programs are conducted to enhance and increase the performance level of an employee, to develop human resources to meet the current as well as future needs of the organization, to ensure effective utilization of human resources and to integrate individual goals with the organizational goals, which results in productivity improvement, greater workforce flexibility, savings on materials and capital costs, more motivated workforce and improved quality of the final product or service.

Evaluating the effectiveness of training program is an important step as it is carried out to see how well the training objectives have been met and whether it is the best method for achieving those objectives. This study is based on evaluation of training program as expected and experienced by the trainees to check whether the training program has been successful in producing the result that was intended. Employees undergoing training are a good source of getting genuine feedback on training effectiveness. Thus, the present study examines the issue of training effectiveness from the trainee's perspective. There is a possibility that the demographic characteristics like age, gender and education may affect their views on the effectiveness of training program. Such demographic variables too have been included in the present study so that their impact can be examined on the perception of training effectiveness.


Organizational Behavior Journal, Training Programs, Employment Training, Organizational Goals, Demographic Variables, Data Analysis, Chinese Multinational Enterprises, Management Development, Time Management, Decision Making Process, Private Sector Bank, Kirkpatrick Model.