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Effective Executive Magazine:

Planning and organizing skills of a manager become vital in an event management scenario, where he has to function both as a leader in the `planning' process and as a manager in the `organizing' process

As the popular saying goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." From a relatively simple chore of a homemaker preparing a meal to the most complex managerial function of heading a project, planning is of utmost importance. In fact, no activity whether at home or in office can begin without a plan. Even if it does, the outcome would be chaotic and over which you would have no control. A manager's job is to create an environment, both physical and mental or conceptual, that is conducive to the performance and efforts of others, so that they willingly contribute to the accomplishment of organizational objectives. For creating a favorable environment, the manager needs yet another set of basic skills, that of `organizing', which sequentially follows the activity of planning.



Planning and Organizing,Basic Skills of a Manager,environment, planning, organizing', control, management, managerial, performance, organizational, managerial, process, skills,activity of planning.