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Effective Executive Magazine:

Leaders provide the inspiration needed for organizations to work together to create shared visions. They bring optimism for altered and improved futures for everyone in the organization. They challenge people to think about new and better ways of working, call for increasing experimentation and support risk-taking. Leadership is a mindset. The long-term success of an organization probably has nothing to do with what they are doing today. It has everything to do with whether they will still be satisfying market demand in five years time, in a decade and in a century. A colonial trading company was producing rubber in Southeast Asia in the 1940s. When artificial rubber was invented, the company used its skills in growing trees for paper production. When the electronic age pointed towards paperless offices, the company reinvented itself to become a leader in mobile telephony. With continued focus on a global vision, the organization has repeatedly identified and applied its core skilss

Leaders anticipate demand, explore possibility, identify opportunity, experiment with change and risk entering the market with next generation concepts. A leader without vision remains a manager; a leader who guards against risk, however, is wise; and a leader who avoids risk is on the path to oblivion.



Leadership, Role of a Leader in an Organization , leader, organization, market, demand, electronic, experimentation, generation, global, growing, Leadership, mobile, production, telephony, visions,paper production,Leaders anticipate demand, explore possibility, identify opportunity,next generation concepts.