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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Social Networking Sites: Shifting Paradigm of Marketing

With the growing use of computers and the Internet, there is also simultaneous increase in the popularity of online social and consumer communities. Online social networking sites offer interactivity and connectivity, thereby playing a significant role in the rapid dissemination of information and ideas. This aspect has caught the attention of marketers, who are leveraging social networks to achieve exponential increase in brand awareness and brand image.


Social networking sites on the Internet are now regarded as one of the most important tools of communication. People have recognized social networking as the fastest and most trusted means of spreading news and making people aware of facts and information. People have begun joining networking groups even as a status symbol. Being on a networking site is now considered as one of the best ways to get recognized. Being part of an online social network helps people to stay connected with their friends and families, and also to develop business links.

Social networking sites are websites that provide a virtual community for people interested in a particular subject to "hang out" together or to communicate with each other about anything and everything. Members create their own online `profiles' with biographical data, pictures, likes, dislikes and any other information they choose to post. One can find dating sites, friendship sites and sites with a business purpose, and also hybrids that offer a combination of these.

Globally, hundreds of millions of people have joined one or more social networking sites. They communicate with each other by voice, chat, instant message, through videoconferencing and blogs; and the service typically provides a way for members to contact other members and also their friends.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Social Networking Sites, Consumer Communities, Business Links, Videoconferencing, Virtual Community, Viral Marketing, Email Communication, Communication Strategies, Social Media, Online Messages, Viral Promotions, Clicktivism, Business Networking, Viral Marketing Campaigns, Viral Advertising Campaign.