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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Gifting Behavior

Gift is an excellent medium of expression of our feelings, be it friendship or love. The article explores the gifting process, the reasons for gifting, the types of gifting like the corporate gifting and personal gifting and the modern trend of gifting through the Internet technology.


Gifting Behavior—the process, players and the business potential—has witnessed an incredible increase of 39.4% recently. The Indian corporates now desire to present unique gifts in style and, as a result, the market is likely to become increasingly sophisticated in the coming years. The purchase of goods and services meant to be given as gifts has certain special consumer behavior features. While buying the gifts, the purchaser undergoes some distinct mental processes for choosing. A gift is always symbolic and special. An individual saves words or does better than words in conveying his feelings through a gift. For doing a favor, returning a favor or discharging an obligation without appearing to be commercial or mundane there is nothing like a gift. Reciprocation in gifting has spread to marriages in Indian households where the host gives individual gifts to all those who attend the marriage. Hence gifts can start a relationship.

People give gifts for many reasons. Social expectations and ritualized consumption events such as birthdays often require gift giving independent of the giver's actual desires. Gifts are also given to elicit return favors in the form of either gifts or actions. And of course, gifts are given as an expression of love and caring.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Gifting Behavior, Internet Technology, Decision-Making Process, Indian Corporate Sector, Indian Culture, Economist Magazine, Indian Corporate Gifting Industry, Marketing Strategy, Brand Ambassadors, International Corporate Gift, Customer Buying Behaviour.