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Advertising Express Magazine:
Reinventing Heritage Brands

The main reason behind this is having a rich heritage. Heritage is quite unlike any of the four Ps of marketing, which can be altered anytime by the marketer. Heritage is built through careful steps over time. Heritage differentiates a heritage brand from any other. Just the presence of heritage can give cult status to something as simple as a movie. That is exactly what happened with the Star Wars. When George Lucas came out with the first installment of the series (back in the 1970s), little did he realize that a time will come when people will go to cinema halls and purchase tickets to watch only the trailer of an unreleased movie and then come out of the cinema hall without watching the main feature. That is exactly what happened before Star Wars Episode I was released. That is what a heritage brand can do. However, if we refer back to the opening quote by Levitt, the quote summarizes the reason for existence of business, as well as the brand. Many a times, the brand (and the parent company) forgets that it is the customer who ultimately keeps the brand alive. That is when the trouble starts.