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Global CEO Magazine:
Asian Juggernaut : The Rise of China, India and Japan

This book deals with the emergence of the erstwhile Third World economies as a potential force on not only the economic scenario but also on the military front. Japan has been a leading economic power since the 1970s. However, its traditional enemy China always had its own opinions on how matters should be handled. Japan and Korea had bitter clashes. So did China and Japan. The emergence of India has been rather recent but its presence has changed the equation in Asia. The book examines how the power equations are being newly framed in Asia and their impact worldwide.


Asia is in the process of unshackling its chains and realizing its tremendous potential after centuries of colonial rule. It is ironical that since the Industrial Age, European powers have sought to use Asia and America as their supply fields for bolstering their own economies. The erstwhile colonies often had to pay a very heavy price for their inability to stop the marauding Europeans. The Portuguese, Spanish Dutch and the English (to a lesser extent) imposed their intolerance often leading to cultural annihilations and massive exploitation of a weaker civilization.

In Asia, the dominant European power was Britain. Their past actions and inactions shaped the politics and regional economies of most Asian countries. They not only ruled the Indian sub-continent but also forced other nations into submission merely to impose their economic power. The opium war is an example of how Britain inflicted a heavy military defeat on Imperialist China merely because China did not want British opium produced in India.

Since the end of the Second World War, the emergence of Japan in Asia was seen as an indicator of Asia's potential. Deprived of its military powers, the Japanese did what they could do best - strive for perfection. The discipline and patriotism imbibed in Japanese culture aided the achievement of their objectives.


Global CEO Magazine, Asian Juggernaut, Global Economy, Economists, Globalization, Global Geopolitics, Economic and Foreign Policies, Policy Research, Prof. Brahma Chellaney, Geopolitical Pragmatism, Policy Advisory Groups, Business Strategy, Democracy in India.