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The IUP Journal of Systems Management :
Uml Modeling of Aircraft Control System

The present paper deals with an effective approach to modelingUML modeling for the design of an aircraft system. Aircraft contains a large number of generic components, which need to be modeled for effective and efficient functioning of the aircraft system. The class and object diagrams are designed for all generic components of the aircraft system and the sequence diagram is also given for the functioning of the aircraft system. On the basis of the presented model, performance estimation is also done for the efficient working of the aircraft system model.The Object Management Group (OMG, 2001) introduced the Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach for the software designers to produce an effective and efficient design of the software.

UML (Booch et al., 1999) is a modeling language, which is used for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the software system and also for business modeling (OMG, 2002). UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling system. UML is a very important part of developing object-oriented software and the software development process. Web-based modeling and real time UML design are available in Conallen (1999) and Douglas (1999). Nowadays, researchers are using UML for depicting the performance of the distributed and parallel computing system given by Holz (1997), Madden (2001), and Pllana and Fahringer (2002). Airplanes are available in many different shapes and sizes depending on the mission of the aircraft and these are available in Richard and Leslie et al. (1998), Selic and Rumbaugh (1998), and Walther et al., (2001), power plant(s). The view of airplane system is shown in Figure


modeling, components, aircraft system, software, designers, specifying, visualizing, constructing, documenting, developing, computing, object-oriented