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Effective Executive Magazine:
Control Over Crude Oil Prices: The OPEC Story

Everyone knows that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), a group of sovereign countries, controls a major chunk of oil production. But most people do not know how exactly OPEC controls the production and prices of crude oil. In this article the author analyzes the history of oil industry to understand how and why the OPEC controls oil prices.

The relationship between the sovereign states and oil companies have been problematic ever since the US and European oil companies struck oil outside US in the first decade of the 20th century. The issue was about the sovereignty and ownership of the oil fields. Typically in those days, the oil companies leased the oil fields from the states and paid them a royalty. The royalty was generally 12.5% of the profits. However, the sovereignty issue was manageable as almost all of the oil producing countries (Iran, Iraq and Indonesia) were colonies of the European powers in the early part of the century. The first major problem came in Mexico during the 1910s, following Mexican revolution. In 1910, about 90% of the oil fields in Mexico were owned by the US and the European companies. After the revolution, Mexicans succeeded in recapturing their oil assets. The Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 declared that underground resources— the “subsoil—belonged not to those who owned the property above, but to the Mexican state. In those days Mexico was the second largest oil producer in the world after US. But Everyone knows that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), a group of sovereign countries, controls a major chunk of oil production. But most people do not know how exactly OPEC controls the production and prices of crude oil. In this article the author analyzes the history of oil industry to understand how and why the OPEC controls oil prices. Control Over Crude Oil Prices The OPEC Story S T R A T E G I C M A N A G E M E N T these policies made the foreign companies to shy away from Mexico. The process of nationalization of oil assets was completed in 1938, when Cádenas government nationalized oil industry by forming a n a t i o n a l oil comp a n y — Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX). S i n c e Mexico did not have the technology for oil exploration, it soon lost its status as a major o i l - p r o - d u c i n g nation.



Control Over Crude Oil Prices: The OPEC Story, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , OPEC, Petroleos Mexicanos , PEMEX, Strategic Management, Arabian American Oil Company, Iraq Petroleum Company, IPC, Mergers
and Acquisitions.