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Effective Executive Magazine:
Customer Relationship Management: The Need of the Indian Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector in India has made little investment on database and on enterprise management software. While the sector has immense potential, the need of the hour is to become customer-centric by adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Studies have found that doctors who are well informed and are using the Electronic Health Record Systems are able to save more than 30% of their time, which in turn leads to treating increased number of patients, thus increasing their efficiency with reduced rate of errors. At the onset, it is necessary to understand what CRM is.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) goes further than providing electronic information. It is more of a journey than a set of tools. Whatever the CRM definitions may be, the essence of CRM never changes. CRM consists of those aspects of a business, which relate to techniques and methods for attracting and retaining customers. CRM is always a customer- centric approach, CRM means finding, getting and retaining customers. CRM is at the core of any customer-focussed business strategy and includes the people, processes, and the technology aspects associated with marketing, sales and services. In today’s highly competitive global environment, organizations looking to implement successful CRM strategies need to focus on a common view of the customer using integrated information systems and contact centre implementations that allow the customer to communicate via the desired communications channel. CRM can be defined as a way to express having the ability to organize and maintain a connection with clients, customers and service agents with regards to business relationships and customer satisfaction. The growing demand in the marketplace and the dynamics of the environment are forcing organizations to adopt customer-service focussed technology.



Customer Relationship Management: The Need of the Indian Healthcare Sector, CRM, enterprise management software, Electronic Health Record Systems, electronic information, CRM strategies , customer-service focussed technology, global environment.