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Effective Executive Magazine:
Emerging Issues in Management: New Millennium Challenges

Managers in the new millennium face new challenges. They need to update themselves in multidimensional fields so that they can accomplish the desired results in the competitive business environment.

Present day Managers face new and different types of challenges like increasing concern for social good, information technology, ever changing internal and external environment, development of communication tools, increasing competition and awareness among the work force about quality of work life. The Quality of Working Life (QWL) program, which is a system approach to job design, is a promising development in the broad area of job enrichment. It is an interdisciplinary field of enquiry and action combined with the industrial and organizational psychology/sociology, industrial engineering, organization theory and development, motivation and leadership theory and industrial relations1. Managers regard it as a promising way of dealing with the challenges of stagnating productivity. The predictions about how managers are going to handle and meet the new millennium challenges are varied. The negative critics state that social institutions are entering into the age of self-destruction, while the positive predictors say that we are entering into a new era in which people and social institutions will not only be happier, but will also create more prosperity and productivity. Managers need to work smarter (rather than harder) at generating the type of performance that will permit the organization to survive and grow. For this, they will need better insight and understanding of human nature in the existing global perspective, plus develop fine skills and ability to get the best out of their subordinates. In addition, managers have to develop positive vision, foresight, perseverance and drive. They need to be creators than mere managers.



Emerging Issues in Management: New Millennium Challenges, multidimensional fields, Quality of Working Life , QWL, organizational psychology/sociology, industrial engineering, organization theory, stagnating productivity, industrial engineering.