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HRM Review Magazine:
Marrying Intrinsic Motivation and Employee Empowerment

Intrinsic motivation is a quality, which is within us and thus, very difficult to gauge. It is equally difficult to see, if it exists at all or not in an individual. However, for most employees it is crucial that the motivation exists, else it becomes difficult to function. In most workplaces, there is some form of motivation or the other given to all employees because without intrinsic motivation, it is difficult to move forward, both for the individual, as well as for the organization in the long run. The organization should also see and recognize intrinsic motivation of employees and help encourage and promote it.


It is most certain that anyone who can `think', harbors a desire to succeed. All of us want to succeed and not fail in whatever we do. Now, one can pose a question that, if everyone wants to succeed why don't they? What is stopping them? There are numerous answers to this. However, this seven letter word `success' is linked to a ten letter word called `motivation'. Most people do not have the motivation to win or succeed; it is as simple as that. So what then is motivation? Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards it and a desire or a passion to succeed. Being motivated doesn't mean you are always excited or fully committed but it does mean that tasks set either by you or by someone else are completed, irrespective of whether the task is difficult, or seems uninteresting. Sometimes, motivation can be positive or negative. Positive motivation, as the name itself suggests, includes enjoyment and optimism, whereas negative motivation is generally associated with the fear of an undesirable outcome like, for example, if a particular task was set for someone to complete a project within a certain time frame, the fear or a perception that the task cannot be done, either in its entirety or within the time frame given for completion, acts as negative motivation for the person involved in the task. However, each one of us experiences both positive and negative motivational periods in our lives, sometimes simultaneously for a said given moment or task. There are also times, when negative converts to positive and vice-versa. The best way to deal with this volatile ten letter word `motivation' is to understand that it exists within all of us and could like a chameleon, change color, according to the situation we are in or what our mind tells us to do. Whichever form it takes, what is clear is that we in our minds need to harness it to work for us positively. It is also good to understand that both negative and positive motivations exists.

Let's go one step further and talk about people who need to search for motivation and the other side, where some people seem to have it inherent in them. I have heard many people ask, "How can we get motivated?" And "How can we stay motivated?" Some feel that motivation comes, while performing certain tasks, whereas in other tasks, the same motivation or the level of motivation is not there. Some even feel that within a particular task, motivation is there for a period of time and it either fades or diminishes totally, when faced either with another task or simply for some unexplained reason. What then is this nebulous term `motivation'? It is there, it is not there, it is both negative and it is positive, it is there for some tasks and not for others. It is at different levels at different points in time. A term shrouded with many meanings and definitions but something worth exploring, is one of the most crucial components needed to succeed, and I would like to come back to the original question, who does not want to succeed? My grandfather used to always tell us as children—"Any task is 99% perspiration and only 1% luck". To put in the 99% to a task one needs motivation, so we come back to the original point how do we get motivated?


HRM Review Magazine, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Decision Making, Employee Empowerment, Organization Culture Psychological Motivation, Psychological, Emotion, Corporate Culture, Structural Viewpoint, Psychological Empowerment.